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发布: Simwe    来源:Itasca    发布时间:2010-11-05    收藏】 【打印】  复制连接 【 】 我来说两句:(0逛逛论坛

1.Multithreaded the calculation of equation of motion and constitutive relations to take advantage of the multiple cores of modern personal computers. Note the multithreading will be turned off if a FISH constitutive model is present in the model. “timing.dat” in the folder “data\timing” may be tested in FLAC6.0 and 7.0 on a multi-core computer to compare the calculation speeds.

2.Simplified CYSOIL model, CHSOIL. See examples and documentation in the folder “data\Chsoil”; also see “constitutivemodels.pdf” for model description.

3.Modified Hoek-Brown model, MHOEK. See examples and documentation in “data\mhoek” ; also see “constitutivemodels.pdf” for model description.

4.Improved CYSOIL model. COHESION and TENSION are considered; softening/hardening tables may be specified for cohesion and tension in lookup tables, CTABLE and TTABLE. See examples and documentation in “data\CohCysoil” ; also see “constitutivemodels.pdf” for model description.

5.Improved FOS logic. More switch options are added to speed up the calculation. See examples and documentation in “data\FoS”; FOS calculation is extended to CPP models, see example “chen_dllmohr.dat” in the same folder (note the DLL Mohr is loaded automatically from “exe32\plugins\models” when FLAC starts up).

6.Improved structural liner element logic. Customized P-M diagram may be input in a lookup table; crack is permitted to develop for simulating unreinforced liner; a residual compressive strength is added as a new liner property, it is used after the peak strength has been reached. See examples and documentation in “data\CrkLiner”.

7.Added ATTACH REMOVE command to allow removing grid-points from attach list. See the demonstration example in the folder “data\RemAttach”.

8.Added new keywords 'nd_ex1' and 'nd_ex2' to plot extra nodal offsets;  and new keywords 'el_ex1' and 'el_ex2' to plot extra element offsets. See “str.fin” in “data\CrkLiner”.

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