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Itasca系列软件之FLAC3D 4.0隆重推出

发布:Simwe    来源:    发布时间:2009-09-15    收藏】 【打印】  复制连接 【 】 我来说两句:(0逛逛论坛

Itasca系列软件之FLAC3D V4.0隆重推出原文下载.doc  Itasca系列软件之FLAC3D V4.0隆重推出原文下载.pdf

中仿科技作为ITASCA公司在中国的唯一合作伙伴,非常高兴地宣布Itasca系列软件之FLAC3D新版本4.0预发行软件现已隆重发布。相比于之前的3.1版本,Version 4.0是FLAC3D发展历程中的一次革命。本次升级中,很多地方体现了其创造性的特点。


FLAC3D 4.0计算速度更快、绘图更快、处理命令更快。测试表明,在这些方面,软件处理速度将会有两倍到百倍的增加。 

    FLAC3D 4.0的用户界面现在完全重新设计,用户将会有全新的体验,更快、更高效、更易于使用,并加载了众多新功能。



    伴随着项目管理在程序中内置了文本编辑工具, FLAC3D可以独立进行文本编辑或者与用户喜爱的第三方工具一起运行。在用户界面可以直接运行打开的数据文件。

    FLAC3D Version4.0各项功能的改进,相信会给广大用户带来全新的感受,让复杂的问题变得更简单,为广大的岩土科研工作者们提高研究效率,解决更多的实际问题。具体的更新内容如下:


• Up to 2x faster for mechanical calculations on a mixed-discretized grid using a quad-core i7.
• Mechanical calculations using Nodal Mixed Discretization (up to 3x faster).
• GEN ZONE (more than 10x faster)
• GEN COPY (more than 10x faster)
• GEN REFLECT (more than 10x faster)
• GEN MERGE (more than 10x faster)
• APPLY REMOVE gp conditions
• Clearing a model (NEW -- up to 100x faster)
• Saving & Restoring a model (up to 3x faster)
• Importing a grid file (up 3X faster)
• Spatial searching using FISH functions (gp_near, z_near, z_containing) (up to 100x faster)


The FLAC3D user interface is completely overhauled in version 4.0. In summary, the interface achieves the following major objectives: all plotting uses accelerated 3D graphics, which dramatically increases rendering speed to the screen; all plotting control is available interactively, with all tools — both specification tools and manipulation tools — suitably near-at-hand to the user; a built-in editor provides native data file editing, and data files open in FLAC3D may be run directly; project management is now feasible with the implementation of the project file and the use of the project pane (see "Project Management"); program configuration and project settings are easily accessible and specified in a single location.


FLAC3D uses floating and docking windows that may be arranged in any manner the user wishes. Four built-in layout options are provided (click on the first four tabs to view the different built-in layouts). User-created, custom layouts may be saved and applied to future projects (the last pair tabs illustrate two of the numerous possibilities). As the "User 1" tab shows, it is possible to keep multiple plot windows (or any other kind of window, for that matter) open simultaneously using these capabilities.Work in FLAC3D is saved in a new file type: the Project file. The Project file references Data Files, Save States and Plot Files in one location. A Project file can be shown in the Project window. The Project window displays all files associated with a Project, and allows the user to quickly open or close those files.


Work in FLAC3D is saved in a new file type: the Project file. The Project file references Data Files, Save States and Plot Files in one location. A Project file can be shown in the Project window. The Project window displays all files associated with a Project, and allows the user to quickly open or close those files.Project files and the Project window simplify project management.A Project window, displaying all the associated files of a project. Colored icons have been loaded and gray icons have not.


Any text file may be loaded into the FLAC3D editor. In addition to providing common edit functions (cut, paste, select, etc.) the editor features a syntax highlight tool that will indicate problematic lines in the current data file. The editor also contains a command (found on its toolbar or on the right-click context menu) to execute the active data file.An open data file with highlighted sections after the "Validate Syntax" tool has been used. The highlights indicate syntax errors; correcting the error causes the highlighting to be removed.


Along with accelerated 3D graphics, FLAC3D provides a number of new items and options for plotting when displaying model results. As a result the already robust model visualization capabilities are dramatically extended. Some of the additions include:A plot using the new transparency attribute.


Using the "Movie" section of the "Options" dialog, the user may set any open plot in FLAC3D to be captured as a set of bitmap frames. The set may later be turned into a movie with the user's preferred movie media-building tool. As seen in the image, setting the plot to be frame-captured is a matter of checking one box. The dialog also provides controls for the capture frequency (specified in calculation cycles), bitmap type (format), size, and name of the captured frames.The Options dialog, showing that three plots have been set to produce captured frames when the program cycles.



• Local variables
• Function arguments
• Command-line debugging
• Improved error messages
• Vector types
• Dynamic arrays
• Zone field data functions
• C++ FISH intrinsic plug-ins
• Interactive clipping box
• Iso-surfaces
• Line profile
• Zone group plot showing internal group boundaries
• Equal angle stereonet of principal stress/strain orientations, as well as FISH extra values
• DXF files
• FISH function plotting
• Scale box
• Improved C++ Constitutive Model plug-in interface.
• Improved GROUP range element.
• FISH range elements.
• User-defined scalar, vector, and tensor fields.
• CYSoil model.


    FLAC2D/FLAC3D 岩土体工程高级连续介质力学分析软件
    UDEC/3DEC 高级非连续力学分析程序
    PFC2D/PFC3D 为类岩土材料和粒状系统设计的2D/3D微观力学离散元分析程序

    ITASCA公司主要从事岩土工程专题问题的科研和技术咨询工作。ITASCA咨询集团是岩石力学界国际著名技术机构,由著名学者C. Fairhurst院士、P.Cundall院士等联合创立,在岩石力学专题研究、数值计算软件开发和应用方面处于世界领先水平,Itasca员工曾任国际岩石力学学会主席1期、副主席2期,1人获岩石力学最高荣誉奖Muller奖,多人获Rocha奖。Itasca数值计算软件如FLAC、FLAC3D、UDEC、3DEC、PFC2D和PFC3D等被誉为国际岩土工程界覆盖范围最广、应用最普遍的岩土工程专业软件。ITASCA公司联合国际顶级水平的技术力量解决中国工程建设的超常规复杂岩石力学问题,服务中国的科研院所、工程设计院、和工程投资公司。了解更多,请登录:http://www.itasca.cn

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